Friday, March 5, 2010

The Rainboe Orchid: Adventures of Julius Chancer

In this new comic (which is available in the library!), Julius Chancer helps silent-film actress, Lily Lawrence in a help-and-find the rare Rainbow Orchid. The comic is set in the 1920s where the main characters are in the set to hunt for the Rainbow Orchid while being taken out and back in by reporter, William Pickle, who is forced to work for a man known as Urkaz Grope, the welder of the winning Black Orchid, who is actually in a plan to allow Julius and Lily to find the Rainbow Orchid, then when the time is right, he steals it. read this book and join the hunt!!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, glad you got a chance to read this fabulous book!
    -Sarah McIntyre


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