Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ways to live forever

Since Sam's being homeschooled due to his illness, Sam decides to keep “a collection of lists stories, pictures, questions and facts” as a project. Sam's voice is charming and sweet it's this voice, combined with the issues Sam is having to deal with that makes this book so heartbreaking. Sam's questions are things like, “Why does God make kids get ill?” and “Does it hurt to die?” and he tries to answer them of his fellow leukaemia sufferer and friend, Felix. The book also illuminates how his illness affects his family's relationships both with him and with each other.
Felix tries to con people visiting the hospital into buying him cigarettes; a teenage girl finally does it. Sam notes that Felix doesn't smoke very often; "he just likes the way it looks." Sam decides to be a teenager by smoking a cigarette, drinking cherry brandy, and kissing a girl (Felix's cousin) on the mouth, all in one afternoon. When Sam jokingly says he wants a beer (his mom keeps trying to get him to eat), his mom asks the neighbors for one to give him (the book doesn't say whether he actually drinks it, though).
this was one of the best books i have read ever, Part from the lovely bones, it was awesome. i think it was one of the most moving, touching, true and heart breaking stories i have ever read. it was amazing!


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