Thursday, April 22, 2010

ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON - The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

Back in mid 18th century London, a recent murder of Sir Danvers Carew with a walking stick has rung up the mind of Dr. Gabriel, he is thinking where has his client, Dr. Jekyll has gone to after weeks of not seeing him himself. He has heard that Dr. Jekyll has been murdered as well by someone, but the body was never found. After a letter inlists Gabriel to a meeting with Jekyll's most trusted friend, the mysterious Mr. Hyde. Upon meeting, Gabriel thought, 'Oh my poor friend Jekyll, you friend looks like the devil.' After a few more weeks, Gabriel finally meets Dr. Jekyll once againg, but something was wrong, Jekyll has been acting strangely this time, and Gabriel asks Dr. Jekyll's butler, Mr. Poole to help him find out what is up. Once arriving to Dr. Jekyll's room, the door was locked, and someone's voice was heard, 'I'm not seeing anyone!'. Gabriel immediately recognised the voice, it was Mr. Hyde's! Aquiring an axe, Mr. Poole smash the door to pieces and finds a half-transformed Mr. Hyde lying on the ground, dead. Turns out that the reasonable wills of Dr. Jekyll was written by Mr. Hyde himself, and the walking stick that killed Sir Danvers, was the same stick that Gabriel gave to Jekyll personally, and was Hyde who killed him, in a murderous rage. And Gabriels good friend, Dr. Lanyon, had died from shock earlier, but shock from seeing Jekyll turning into Hyde and Hyde into Jekyll. After knowing this, Jekyll wishes that he would no longer want to be Jekyll anymore and drank an overdosed poisonous drink, and ended his own life in order to save himself, and everyone.

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