Tuesday, February 2, 2010

animal farm 

this book is about animals rebelling against humans. Mr Jones (the owner of manor farm) and his men are very nasty to the animals so one day old Major ( a pig on the farm) calls all the animals together and tells them to rebel against Mr Jones. three days later Old Major dies and the animals get so fed up with Mr Jones that they attack him. He gets so scared he leaves the farm. the animals, very happy and excited then work together to build animal farm. at first there were seven commandments and he most important on read 'all animals are equal'. the pigs , who are very clever take over, the two main ones are Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon then kicks Snowball out and tells the animals that he is secretly working with Mr Jones. Later on in the story many animals are found to be working with Snowball and they are killed. Clover, Boxer (horses) and old Benjamin (a donkey) are sad to see that what they had started out to do became a disaster. after a while the humans come back again and Boxer is badly wounded he then dies at a horse slaughter place, while Napoleon tells everyone he was actually in the hospital. Pigs started to move into the farmhouse, they started drinking alcohol, wearing human clothes, getting up later than all the animals but worst of all they were dealing with the humans. when most of the old animals had past away and there was only clover and Benjamin left they read the commandments again and it read 'all animals are equal,but animals are more equal than others'

animal farm is a great book and when it was written it was based on the communist party in Russia. characters such as Snowball and Napoleon were based on real life people.



  1. It's okay, Cecile. It was just an accident that you posted something NarutoPokemon posted.

  2. and your allowed to post the same book as someone else if you have read it.


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