Friday, January 29, 2010


its a book set in whales (i think) and its about this family who own an autoshop thing, that isnt going so well and when the london gallery gets damaged by floods and all the paintings get moved to their small town they decide to steal one and the dad leaves and the kids do it all and they try to charge money they get caught though and everything works out and the dad comes back, i told you the end because i ont think anyone actually cares if i thoughjt it was a good book in fact i dought anyone actually values my opinion so i decided to tell you the ending. :)


  1. Well , i think people DO care, Nadia, so please lose the belligerent tone to your review.

    By the way, whales= the sea- dwelling huge animal. Wales= the country.

  2. Yes Nadia you shouldnt be so - (negative)


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