Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I think everybody knows about Frankenstein but have u read the book carefully seeing every details? It's GREAT!!! Victor Frankenstein had been obsessed with science. He had hope, dreams and a happy family. But there was just one problem that ruined it........forever DUH!! DUH!!! DUH!!! It's is a miserable sotry where people die and you feel sorry for them but it also included Victor suffering for his ownself. He had done a terrible mistake-creating a monster who was friendly but turned hatred to the world for his looks.

The monster hunted Victor's family killing his brother, best friend and wife. But I also felt sorry for the monster, he used to loved the world as his home and life but people seemed to hated him of how he look. He had save a little girl but his gift is a shot in his arm. But he learned about nature and the world. But he was bitter when he read the book of Victor's thought about how he could turn a human back to life.

It's an amazing book. Hope you find it in the library :D

Warning don't get crazy like Victor, it's dangerous!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It IS an amazing book- as is the life of its author, Mary Shelley- worth checking out.

    If you liked this Giang, try Dracula by Bram Stoker as well.


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